2020년 2월 11일 화요일

(Weight diary) privacy policy

1. Purpose of processing personal information
<Weight Diary> processes personal information for the following purposes, and does not use it for any other purpose than the following purposes.
-For effective advertising exposure of AdMob (https://apps.admob.com/).

2. Rights and obligations of the data subject and the method of exercise The user can exercise the following rights as a personal information subject.
Rights of users and legal representatives and how to exercise them
① The information subject may exercise his / her rights related to privacy protection at any time with respect to <Weight Diary>.
1. Request for access to personal information
2. Request for correction in case of error
3. Delete request
4. Processing stop request

Since we don't collect any information at all, you can delete and handle the app yourself.

3. Creating items of personal information to be processed (collection of personal information, purpose of use, items of personal information to be collected and methods of collection)
① <Weight Diary> processes the following personal information items.

1. Use Android Advertising ID
Simply for effective ad exposure for AdMob (https://apps.admob.com/),
It is not specifically processed or otherwise collected or utilized within the app.

4. Destruction of personal information In principle, <Weight Diary> will destroy personal information without delay when the purpose of processing personal information is achieved. The procedures, deadlines and methods of destruction are as follows:
-Query only if you are on a call
-When deleting an app, the above permission is no longer used.
-The above authority does not collect or process any information. Simply query the system and you're done.

5. Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information <Weight Diary> takes the following technical, administrative and physical measures to ensure safety in accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

1. Establishment and implementation of internal management plan
We have established and implemented an internal management plan for the safe handling of personal information.
2. Restrict Access to Personal Information
We take necessary measures to control access to personal information by granting, modifying and erasing the access right to the database system that handles personal information.
3. Access control for unauthorized persons
We have set up a separate physical storage area for personal information and have established and operated access control procedures.

6. Matters concerning the installation and operation of automatic collection of personal information and its rejection and the destruction of personal information
In principle, <Weight Diary> will destroy personal information without delay when the purpose of processing personal information is achieved. The procedures, deadlines and methods of destruction are as follows:

① Destruction procedure
The system only queries if the system is busy. No personal information is collected, and no query is saved.
② destroyed
Upon notification, the system is immediately destroyed when it asks whether the system is busy.

7. Matters concerning the installation and operation of automatic collection of personal information such as Internet access information file and its rejection
This app does not use cookies at all.

8. How Google uses information from websites or apps that use Google services

9. Personal Information Protection Officer
① <Weight Diary> is responsible for the handling of personal information, and appoints the person in charge of personal information protection in order to deal with complaints and damages of information subjects related to the processing of personal information.
▶ Personal Information Protection Officer
Name: jtlee
Contact: jnj.soft.inc@gmail.com
※ You will be connected to the department in charge of personal information protection.

▶ Personal Information Protection Department
Contact person: jtlee
Contact: jnj.soft.inc@gmail.com
② The information subject can inquire the personal information protection officer and the department in charge regarding all personal information protection related inquiries, complaint handling, and damage relief that occurred while using the service (or business) of <Weight Diary>.
 <Weight Diary> will respond promptly to the information subject's inquiries.

10. Changes to the Privacy Policy
-This Privacy Policy will be applied from the effective date. If there are any additions, deletions or corrections according to the laws and policies, we will notify you through the notice seven days before the enforcement of the changes.
-This Privacy Policy is effective from February 15, 2020.

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